
English Language Arts

This year we implemented and purchased the K-5 HMH Into Reading™, which is differentiated by design in order to offer a balanced approach to literacy instruction. This digital curriculum has a comprehensive library of trade books which serves as a connection to each module topic and bridges reading and writing instruction.

  • Culturally relevant and ethnically diverse text sets build cross-disciplinary knowledge and serve as a springboard for writing and discussion.

  • Scaffolding in the program ensures students receive the initial support and practice that sets them on the best path to independence.


For grades K-2 we support  our students  using  daily Fundations. We are collaboratively planning with ERM consultant, Autumn Figueroa,  in order to ensure that we are adhering to the developmental frameworks. Fundations, which serves as a prevention program to help reduce reading and spelling failure. It is integral to a Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) or Response to Intervention (RTI) framework, providing research-based instruction in Tier 1 as well as early intervention (Tier 2) for students at risk for reading difficulties. To support the implementation of an MTSS or RTI framework, progress monitoring is built into Fundations. This allows students requiring a more intensive program to be idenfied early before undergoing years of struggle. We monitor students’ progress in order to reflect and review our current curriculum. 


We will continue with a focus on Close Reading.  We will  be using CommonLit to support this daily practice via in person, blended and remote instruction.   

English Language Arts


PS 199 will continue to incorporate the use of the Five Practices for Orchestrating Mathematical Discussions in grades 3-5 and Number Talks in grades K-2, which supports a constructivist approach that fosters critical thinking and number sense  in every Math Lesson. 


Grades K-5 will use the EnVisionmath2.0 Math Curriculum, which is a comprehensive mathematics curriculum for Grades K-5. It offers the flexibility of print, digital, or blended instruction. enVisionmath2.0 provides the focus, coherence, and rigor of the Common Core State Standards. Project-based learning, visual learning strategies, and extensive customization options empower every teacher and student. Personalized and Adaptive Learning makes the math learner-centered, relevant, and focused because it’s an interactive multi-media math program that addresses the CCLS, math fluencies, and mathematical practices. EnVisionmath2.0 allows students to participate in an inquiry and problem-based learning approach which allows the students to productively struggle through solving real-world problems. Students gain access to the curriculum through colorful text, engaging videos, and interactive touch-screen acvies. Within the curriculum, there are multiple opportunities for differentiation which provides teachers the ability to pull data from a variety of sources. This data is used to drive instruction and support our students toward meeting their instructional goals. Teachers are able to access all content, resources, assessments, and student data on Savvas Realize. This powerful learning management system gives the educators instant access to everything they need to support the students in a single place.


The compilation of these curricula and the District's Initiatives like iReady, an adaptive online assessment and individualized instruction that helps teachers provide all students a path to proficiency and growth in reading and mathematics by connecting Diagnostic data and Personalized Instruction, I‑Ready reduces complexity, saves educators time, and makes differentiated instruction achievable in every classroom. I‑Ready:

  • Provides user-friendly dashboards and clear reports with actionable data that give teachers a foundational understanding of students’ strengths and areas of need.

  • Enables educators to confidently determine each student’s on-grade level proficiency based on state and national standards.

  • Delivers online lessons that provide tailored instruction and practice for each student to accelerate growth.

  • Supports teachers with in-the-moment resources for remediation and reteaching at individualized, small group, and whole class levels of instruction.

  • Is research-based and proven to work—students who use i‑Ready Personalized Instruction make remarkable learning gains

  • Includes dedicated service and support at every step of the implementation journey through I‑Ready Partners


The above-mentioned curricula and other online resources like Khan Academy, Practice Buddy, BrainPOP, Safe YouTube, Study Jam, Pear Deck, Nearpod, Flipgrid, Padlet will support attainment of our school goals to equitably address the diverse needs of our students. 



We provide opportunities for students to investigate the world and explain how and why things happen. As they engage in the work of scientists, they

  • observe
  • ask questions
  • collect data
  • construct explanations
  • predict
  • experiment
  • reach conclusions
  • communicate their discoveries

We use the Amplify Science Program

Science Activities for Families

K-5 Science:

For grades K-5, PS 199 uses the Amplify Science Curriculum. Amplify Science blends hands-on investigations, literacy-rich activities, and interactive digital tools to empower students to think, read, write, and argue like real scientists and engineers. A flexible, blended program

Amplify Science includes hands-on activities, print materials, and powerful digital tools to support online and offline teaching and learning. Highly adaptable and user-friendly, the program gives schools and individual teachers flexibility based on their technology resources and preferences. In each unit, students take on the role of a scientist or engineer to investigate a real-world problem. These problems provide relevant contexts through which students investigate phenomena. Each unit of Amplify Science engages students in a relevant, real-world problem where they investigate scientific phenomena, engage in collaboration and discussion, and develop models or explanations in order to arrive at solutions.


Social Studies

To support teachers and students, the Social Studies Department has produced a curriculum called Passport to Social Studies. New York City educators created it for our students, and it is meant to prepare children for the global community.

Social Studies Activities for families.

The NYCDOE K-8: Passport to Social Studies is a comprehensive resource that integrates national standards, the New York State Social Studies Core Curriculum (content, concepts, key ideas, understandings and performance indicators), the Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS) and the New York State K-8 Social Studies Framework.

Each yearly course of study is organized around a suggested time frame for core content (units of study) guided by essential questions. Teachers can use the document to focus on planning coherent instruction that considers relevant skills, practices and knowledge objectives for deep historical understanding.


As observations are ongoing and in an effort to support all teachers when planning, preparing and teaching social studies, we have created the "NYCDOE’s and PS 199’s Passport to Social Studies Curriculum and Scope and Sequence for Blended/Digital Learning SY 2020-21". It is like a cheat sheet to the professional development AP Cortez provided from November 19th-24th when unpacking the plethora of TeachHub resources and curriculum Blended/Remote expectations from Passport to Social Studies and Amplify Science.


We made it super easy to understand, included a support professional learning webinar, step by step picture instructions to use the materials and included the outlined pacing with the links, titles, timeframe, day by day planner, mini-units and Grades K-5 units all in one place. We hope this supports with grade level cohesiveness when planning and providing the education that all our students need and deserve.

Social Studies

Physical Education

New Health and Physical Education Instructional Toolkits for Blended and Remote Learning will be used. Physical Education teachers have access to health education and physical education (PE) instructional toolkits by grade-level that contain links to lesson plans, curricular materials, activities, and other resources to help them provide standards-based PE and health education instruction for all students. All resources align with and complement the New York City Health Education Scope and Sequence documents and the New York City Physical Education Scope and Sequence documents. ​​​​​​​

Please see the links and information below our health and PE teachers will use:

Please note that toolkits are organized by grade-level and unit. 

Please note that for grades K-5 the PE toolkit includes links to Move-to-Improve, the DOE’s classroom-based physical activity program that keeps students moving while learning, and can be used to supplement physical education in blended or remote-learning environments. The “Fitness for Life” curriculum can also be customized to fit any programming model and meets national and New York State physical education standards. 

Physical Education

Visual Arts

The Blueprint for Teaching and Learning in Visual Arts: PreK-12 provides teachers with a path to follow for developing curriculum in visual arts, and provides benchmarks for what children should know, understand, and be able to do in visual arts at critical junctures in their intellectual, physical, and emotional development. In addition, the Blueprint provides administration with tools to appropriately supervise visual arts teachers and to recognize and share with parents the potential their children have for achievement in the arts.

Visual Arts

Social and Emotional Learning

At PS199 we are committed to the social and emotional health of our students, families and staff, especially in these uncertain times. We are staffed with a Building Mental Health Team including school counselors, school social workers, school psychologists, and school-based Montefiore Clinic that offers Mental health staff, who work closely with teachers and school administrators to provide all students with the appropriate social-emotional supports. In order to ensure access to essential resources and services, school and district administrators will work closely with educators throughout the building to proactively identify, provide and monitor additional supports for students who are struggling socially, emotionally, behaviorally or academically. At PS 199, the Multi Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) process involves referral for additional supports. In addition, parents are welcome to share concerns with their child’s educators and/or administrators through ClassDojo, Email or Phone. 


One of PS 199’s goals is to engage with families, students and community partners to build supportive environments for children. PS199 staff members have been engaging in professional development in the area of mental health support and social emotional learning to ensure we are ready to meet the unique needs of students, families and staff using trauma-informed, culturally responsive and resilience-building strategies. 


Students will engage in opportunities during the day to practice and reflect on their Social Awareness, Self-Awareness, Self-Monitoring, Relationship Building, and Responsible Decision-Making skills with social emotional lessons and activities from Brain Power Wellness curriculum. Brain Power Wellness is a social-emotional learning curriculum that supports teachers in the facilitation of learning activities that support the development of skills of positive interaction between students. This will enhance their ability to be in touch with their emotions, and to develop the skills to cope with challenging situations and conflict.  Brain Power Wellness teaches physical and mental brain breaks, mindfulness practices, and social emotional wellness strategies that support a positive classroom atmosphere. They partner with Teachers, Students, Parents, and Administrators to create a sustainable, healthy, happy and focused school environment. The school has set aside funds to work with Brain Power for mindfulness training. This program utilizes an exciting combination of physical, emotional and cognitive exercises to tap into our infinite brain potential.

Social and Emotional Learning

Computer Science for All

Building a sustainable and equitable computer science education program in our school is a multi-year endeavor. CS4All’s work is grounded in helping NYC public schools build a high quality and sustainable CS education experience that is linked to each school’s unique vision and capacity. CS4All supports the implementation and scaling of our school’s CS education program to reach all students and close the equity and access gap in CS education.

Computer Science for All